Strategic Pricing with a Focus on the Market
By Mark Jeziorski
Generating additional third party payments and improving the overall
profile of your hospital’s prices relative to the market is possible.
By strategically setting prices in the context of the prices in the
market, additional third party payments can be generated and a better
price profile achieved.
Strategically setting prices means using the charge sensitivity of
a charge/service code to influence how its price is changed. Charge sensitivity
is a measure of how much third party payments change for a given change
in price. Setting prices in the context of the prices in the market means
the prices of other hospitals are considered when developing new prices.
Finally, the price profile describes the distribution of your prices
relative to the prices of the other hospitals in terms of percentiles
(e.g. percentage of your prices between the maximum price and the 75th
percentile, percentage of your prices between the 75th and 50th percentiles,
Conducting a strategic pricing project with a focus on the market
is a significant undertaking but one that can be worthwhile. A high
level of computer model building skills is required and experience working
with the Charge Description Master (CDM) and revenue and usage files
is extremely helpful. The approach for conducting such a project has
many components. However, based on our experience, there are six key
components of a successful approach.
Key Component 1 - Setting the Parameters for the Project
There are various parameters that influence the development of the
prices when prices are established strategically. Some of the critical
parameters include, but are not limited to, the following: the targeted
change in gross revenues, maximum allowable price increase, minimum
prices and whether prices for the same services should be equalized.
Some of these parameters affect how the pricing model is constructed.
As a result, they need to be established early in the process.
Key Component 2 - Defining the Market
The market consists of the hospitals that will be used as benchmarks
for price comparisons. This market needs to be defined. The market
could be hospitals within a certain geographic area, hospitals of
similar size within a certain geographic area or similar hospitals
throughout the entire country. The last definition for the market
might be most appropriate for specialized hospitals. Once the hospitals
have been identified, their prices can be obtained from various vendors.
Key Component 3 - Working With the Benchmark Data
Hospital pricing data may not always be robust. There may be minimal
or no hospital prices for some of the charge/service codes in your
CDM. A decision needs to be made as to how these situations will be
addressed. Possibilities include using the prices of other hospitals
or multiples of third party reimbursement rates as the benchmarks
for price comparisons.
Another aspect of working with benchmark prices that needs to be considered
is outliers. A benchmark hospital’s price is an outlier if it appears
to deviate markedly from the prices of the other hospitals. A decision
needs to be made as to whether outliers are going to be identified
and excluded from the analysis. If they are going to be identified
and excluded, a definition of an outlier needs to be established.
Finally, benchmark prices are not current and could be more than a
year old. These prices can be used as is or a trending factor can
be applied to them in an effort to estimate current prices. Each of
the two approaches has its benefits and pit falls.
Key Component 4 - Having a Comprehensive Scope
The benefits derived from the project are directly related to the scope.
The benefits will increase as the scope of items included in the project
increases. In order to generate the maximum amount of benefits, the scope
should include items in the CDM with CPT/HCPCS codes, room and board
charges, items charged on the basis of time (e.g. operating room charges,
recovery room charges, etc.) and cost-based items (e.g. pharmacy, pharmaceuticals,
supplies, implants, etc.).
Key Component 5 - Developing a Pricing Model
A critical component of the successful approach includes developing
a sophisticated model that is able to accurately calculate changes in
payments that result from changes in prices. The model should incorporate
the benchmark prices, managed care contract terms, historical usage at
the charge/service code, patient type, plan code and service/registration
area level and claims data to address “lesser of” and “stop loss” contract
provisions. The model should be designed to develop initial prices that
optimize third party payments given the set of constraints (e.g. maximum
increase in gross revenues, prices not exceeding a certain level, prices
not going below the minimum prices, equalization of prices for charges
codes with the same CPT/HCPCS code, etc.).
Key Component 6 - Review of Every Price from the Model
Models are wonderful tools that provide tremendous benefit in the realm
of strategic pricing. However, models are not perfect. Some of the imperfections
are due to the benchmark data and some are due to the high cost of developing
more sophisticated models that require less intervention. As a result
of these imperfections, a review of every price generated by the pricing
model should be conducted. The review should include, but not be limited
to, checking that items are leveled appropriately (e.g. CT with contrast
is priced higher than a CT without contrast).
Another Consideration
Hospitals receiving Medicare outlier payments may want to determine
the impact of the new prices on outlier payments and the cost-to-charge
ratios. In fact, these hospitals may want the new prices be developed
such that additional third party payments are generated without impacting
the amount of outlier payments. Incorporating the impact of pricing changes
on outlier payments and cost-to-charge ratios will add another layer
of complexity to the process.
Strategically setting prices while focusing on the prices in the market
can result in additional third party payments and an improved profile
of prices. A successful approach that has been utilized to achieve these
results involves six key components. For hospitals receiving Medicare
outlier payments, the approach could also include determining the impact
of the pricing changes on outlier payments and the cost-to-charge ratios
or establishing prices that do not impact the amount of outlier payments.
About the Author
Mark Jeziorski is President of Sophical Solutions. Mark can be reached